Sustainable Development
The United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 goals and an urgent appeal for a global partnership to achieve shared goals. Sustainability is at the core of Haiqi's products and technologies. And, Haiqi is committed to doing its part for today, tomorrow and future generations. Among them, the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th of the Sustainable Development Goals are directly and indirectly related to Haiqi's environmental protection technology products.

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Improve Nutrition And Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural projects and technologies (biomass poly-generation technology and comprehensive utilization of by-products): Haiqi Environmental Technology has spent 20 years repeatedly developing "biomass-charcoal-gas co-production" and "biomass-charcoal-gas co-production" and "biomass-charcoal-gas co-production" with many famous schools and scientific research units at home and abroad for 20 years. The carbonization technology of livestock manure has found a way for the establishment of modern ecological cycle agriculture and the disposal of agricultural and forestry domestic solid waste.

Haiqi's environmental protection and smart agriculture uses Haiqi's patented gasification and carbonization technology to convert straw into energy and extract high value-added agricultural products, bio-black carbon, which can be refined into carbon-based fertilizer, improve soil carbon-nitrogen ratio, quickly restore soil micro-ecology, Inhibit multiple soil-borne diseases, restore soil vitality, prevent soil compaction, improve plant disease resistance and drought resistance, can be mixed with multiple fertilizers and drugs, biological vinegar is a natural organic foliar fertilizer, biological pesticides, deodorants ,Feed additives.

Haiqi Smart Agriculture builds a zero-carbon farm, builds a fully ecological and environmentally friendly circular farm, uses biomass, agricultural and forestry waste, animal manure to generate electricity and heat, is self-sufficient, and builds a sustainable and sustainable organic farm.
Provide And Sustainably Manage Water And Sanitation For All
It is understood that there are about 100,000 islands in the world, of which 50,000 are inhabited. The mobile energy station developed by Haiqi helps island residents dispose of garbage, improve the island's environment, solve the energy shortage on the island, and reduce energy consumption. Cost, Haiqi's supporting mobile desalination equipment and sewage treatment equipment allow island residents to drink clean and healthy water.
Ensure Access To Affordable, Reliable And Sustainable Modern Energy For All
Haiqi's patented gasification technology converts waste into sustainable and sustainable green and clean energy, mainly targeting two major sectors, waste (MSW) and biomass.
Waste-to-energy includes domestic waste, industrial waste, medical waste, etc., and biomass includes agricultural and forestry waste.
Biomass power generation can solve the problem of energy shortage. It is suitable for a wide range of raw materials, such as granules, sawdust, wood chips, powder, etc., agricultural and forestry waste, fruit husks, straw, weeds, etc., and is environmentally friendly. The measured emission value is lower than 2014 National Standard and 2019 European Emission Standard. Biomass energy belongs to clean energy, and the content of harmful substances (sulfur and ash, etc.) in biomass energy is only about 1/10 of that of coal.
However, biomass energy has been absorbing carbon dioxide in the process of growth. If it is prepared into a product, carbon dioxide has been stored in the material until it is released into the atmosphere through combustion and other means. The use of material energy is a negative carbon emission technology. At the same time, the emission and absorption of carbon dioxide from biomass energy constitute a natural carbon cycle, and its energy utilization can achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions.
Urgent Action To Tackle Climate Change And Its Impacts
Haiqi's patented gasification technology can reduce fly ash emission and reduce the concentration of dioxin emission in the process of waste treatment. Through carbon capture technology, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced, and carbon economic benefits and carbon emission reduction can be achieved through the comprehensive recovery of carbon dioxide and its application to other industries.
Conservation And Sustainable Use Of Oceans And Marine Resources For Sustainable Development
All ecosystems of the ocean are facing increasing threats, marine litter and plastic pollution seriously affect marine life and humans. Haiqi mobile energy station, to solve the pain point of dealing with marine garbage waste, mobile energy station container form, when the container device on board, the use of marine garbage into energy, to protect the marine ecology at the same time, to provide green and clean energy for the ship.
Protect, Restore And Promote Sustainable Use Of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainably Manage Forests, Combat Desertification, Halt And Reverse Land Degradation And Halt Biodiversity Loss.
Comprehensive utilization of forest resources, dead wood, branches and twigs are very rich biomass resources, if not properly disposed of forest residues, not only will be wasted, but also will damage the environment, due to global gasification heating, drought areas caused by mountain fires, only the abandoned forest resources can be reused, through Haiqi patented gasification technology to achieve large agricultural and forestry waste into green and clean energy, and at the same time can produce bio-black carbon, biochar. Biochar can be used to restore soil function in areas where organic matter has been lost. Another potential use of biochar from forest residues is to increase soil organic matter lost in dryland agriculture.
Strengthening The Means Of Implementation And Reinvigorating The Global Partnership For Sustainable Development
Haiqi Environmental Group has set up joint offices in many countries, Sweden, Thailand, India, Finland, Russia, Japan and Australia to jointly research and develop to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality for the earth. Haiqi products and projects have been exported to 75 countries and regions around the world, with more than 2,000 sets of products exported since its establishment, and the cumulative solid waste treatment volume of the systems in operation is about 27 million tons/year, and the cumulative carbon reduction volume is about 10.8 million tons/year.