Haiqi Technology Joint Venture Model
Haiqi adopts a diversified cooperation model according to the market and user needs, smoothly guarantees the stable operation of customer projects, reduces the investment risk of customers, increases the competitiveness of customers in the market and maximizes the benefits. Haiqi took advantage of the trend to launch a flexible and changeable cooperation model. This model adopts the form of technology joint venture to provide customers with technology and operation and maintenance services.
Project Cooperation & Risk Sharing
The project is jointly funded by the customer and Haiqi, and a joint venture company is established for the project. Haiqi is responsible for funding the main equipment products, and the partner is responsible for funding the project funds and working capital. The processing ratio can be finally determined according to the situation of the partner, and the benefits are shared according to friendly negotiation. Haiqi is responsible for technology and daily operation and maintenance, and the working capital and customer relationship maintenance is the responsibility of the partner. The project company is jointly owned and operated by both parties.
Project Evaluation
Most of Haiqi's products are non-standard customized products, and the needs of customers with huge systems are different. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the project implementation site to conduct comprehensive evaluation and make the cost budget of the overall project.

The main contents of the evaluation are:
1. Feasibility analysis of the project
2. Economic benefit analysis of the project
3. Analysis of technical transformation of the project
4. Analysis of local raw materials
5. Project life cycle analysis
Daily Maintenance
1. Haiqi is responsible for the overall technical operation and maintenance of the system project, equipment installation and commissioning in the early stage, equipment ignition trial operation in the middle stage, and normal operation in the later stage.

2. Haiqi is responsible for the daily repair and maintenance. During the normal repair and maintenance, the energy-consuming unit should be informed in advance to make preparations in advance. Cooperate with the Haiqi project party to complete the daily maintenance and maintenance work.

3. The cost of normal maintenance and maintenance shall be directly handled by the project company.
Haiqi can reduce the investment risk of partners through the form of technical joint ventures and at the same time avoid the worries of project operation and maintenance, let professional teams do professional things, save worry and money, and let partners spare energy to expand more Many projects hand over technical problems to Haiqi, and the win-win development of both parties is the last word. This is also the road to achieve sustainable development together with customers in accordance with the product concept of sustainable development of Haiqi products.
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We provide medium and long-term solutions to the problems of biomass waste, transforming waste into energy at no environmental cost and making it economically viable and at the same time compatible with the international environmental regulations and standards
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