Waste Mobile Energy Station
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Waste Mobile Energy Station
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Generation System
Waste Mobile Energy Station System Diagram

Waste Gasification System (Feeding Integrated Machine)
Secondary Combustion System
Ash Recovery
Stirling Power Generation System
Mobile Power System
Waste Heat And Flue Gas Purification System

Generation System
Advantages & Features
Haiqi Focus on Alternative Energy Services,Customized solutions for long-term operations and maintenance for projects of all sizes.
Solution For System
1.Single system is used for small distributed energy stations to provide uninterrupted energy to remote areas 24 hours a day.
2.Multiple parallel sets can be applied to large scale concentrated areas, mobile pretreatment pyrolysis gasification and energy storage system, suitable for uneven electricity consumption can be stored dispersed electricity.
3.Small and medium-sized 200-1000KW mobile energy stations are suitable for commercial applications.
4.The system includes mobile screening module, mobile pyrolysis and gasification module, mobile power generation module, mobile flue ga s purification module, and mobile energy storage module.
Advantages Of System
1.Applicable raw materials: plastic products, textiles, biomass, light combustible, medical waste, industrial waste, etc.
2.The advantages of the system are small footprint, sufficient power, flexible configuration, free installation, no external power supply, superposition, series/parallel, 5G real-time online monitoring of big data, according to the actual energy needs of users to configure the mobile waste pretreatment system, mobile seawater desalination system, mobile energy storage, container personalized customization, etc.
Product Application Scenarios
1.Landfill sites, military positions, island resorts, remote mountainous areas, tourist attractions, refugee camps, forest areas, new energy exchange stations, new energy charging stations, Marine garbage salvage ships, areas without energy/energy shortage or high energy cost, etc.
2.Wind power, photovoltaic, energy storage, multi-generation complementary coupling energy services.
Automatic Control System For Safety Management
1.The system is made of stainless steel and nickel alloy, which has the advantages of corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and high temperature resistance.
2.The service life of the system is about 15~20 years.The system operates under micro-negative pressure and adopts interlocking control, which is safe, stable and anti-debursting.
3.Smart valve through multi-point sensing signals to achieve safe and stable operation, for users to escort the site.
4.It can realize the dual system control of mobile terminal and PC terminal, and the system operation data can be uploaded to the smart energy management cloud in real time 24 hours, helping users master the first-hand data in real time.
5.The multi-point control module can help users grasp the system working conditions in real time and predict the system failure and maintenance cycle in advance.
Application Field Of
Waste Mobile Energy Station
Small modular, clean and environmentally friendly power generation facilities distributed near the load, an economical, efficient and reliable form of power generation.


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Generation System
Application Scenarios
For New Renewable Clean Power
Distributed power generation is generally installed directly in the medium and high voltage distribution network where the load is located, and is connected to the large power grid. Cooling and heating are directly provided to users in the load area.

Parameters Of
Waste Mobile Energy Station
Parameters Of Waste Mobile Energy Station
  HQ-HG 60  HQ-HG 120   
Electrical Output 60KW/H 120KW/H Raw material requirements
Net Electrical Output 45Kw 100Kw Types: domestic waste, industrial
waste, medical waste, marine waste, etc.
Particle size: 3-5cm
Moisture content:≤25%
Calorific value:designed according to 2500kcal/kg.
Thermal Output 126kw 252kw
Ash 18KG/HR 36KG/HR
Raw Material Consumption 90KG/HR 180KG/HR
Gasifier 1 Updraft Rotating Bed 1 Updraft Rotating Bed
Engine (2X) 30KW Stirling Engine (4X) 30KW Stirling Engine
Generator 4 poles Asynchronous Generator 4 poles Asynchronous Generator
Container Weight 1*40’Weight 17 tons 2*40’Weight 30 tons
Application Field Of
Waste Mobile Energy Station
Compact design, removable, superimposed, parallel expansion, no need for external power supply, strong tolerance to materials, no material selection, mixed disposal

Waste Mobile Energy Station Solution
The main application objects are regional users with concentrated electricity, heat and cold supplies, such as business centers, schools, hospitals, residential areas, etc. Small and micro distributed energy stations are generally used for users of residents and independent commercial institutions; large-scale distributed energy stations generally implement heat, electricity, and cold triple production to solve the supply of electricity, heat, and cold for regional users.
Africa Poverty-Stricken Areas Solution
Community lsland Solution
Island Community Solution
New Energy Swap Station Solution
Outdoor Solution
Refugee Camp Solution
Ecological Application Scenarios
Home Application Scenarios
Source material
Waste Raw
Material Types
Household waste, medical waste, biomass solid waste, mobile disposal, convert the generated energy into high-quality electric energy and heat energy
Industrial Waste
Stale Waste
Household Waste
Industrial Waste
Medical Waste
Stale Waste
Industrial Waste
Stale Waste
Household Waste
Industrial Waste
Medical Waste
Stale Waste
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We provide medium and long-term solutions to the problems of biomass waste, transforming waste into energy at no environmental cost and making it economically viable and at the same time compatible with the international environmental regulations and standards
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